- Our class registered for the Summer Learning Journey and this is one of the example activities we completed.
We are a years 3 & 4 classroom at Ahipara School in the Far North of New Zealand. Our teacher is Ms Te Paa. This is where we share our learning.
Friday, December 4, 2020
The Summer Learning Journey 2020/21
Monday, November 16, 2020
Be a Tooth Defender
We are learning to brush our teeth properly so we don't get cavities.
A few weeks ago room 7 were learning about oral hygiene with Mrs Morrow in class.
First we learned what cavities are and what they can do to your teeth. Cavities can be caused by eating too much sugar and not brushing your teeth correctly. We learned to not swallow toothpaste and to not rinse your mouth afterwards because toothpaste is not food and shouldn't be swallowed, and rinsing your mouth washes away the toothpaste which stops it from protecting your teeth.
Then we learned that we have baby teeth and get adult teeth after but if your adult teeth fall out you will have only gums. Try to brush your teeth morning and night because you only get one set of adult teeth.
Afterwards we created a poster to show what we have learned about brushing our teeth. We wrote sentences on the poster explaining the steps of how to brush your teeth and how to look after your teeth. We drew pictures of things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, rotten teeth, and drawings of before and after brushing your teeth.
I found it easy to come up with information about teeth because I already knew some of these things and just needed a reminder. I found it difficult to put ideas down on my poster. To solve this problem I can ask a buddy or look at some else's work to get ideas. I enjoyed thinking of ideas to put on the poster. Next time I brush my teeth at home I will try the tooth defender tips.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Room 7 Quick Writes
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Mapere Planting Trip
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Room 7 Smart Footprint: Public vs Private Info
- your address
- your birth date
- phone number
- email address
- full name
- places or locations you visit regularly
- licence plate
- taking photos in front of houses or cars
- your first name
- your age
- city and country you live in
- friends first names
- favourite food
- interests and activities
- pets names
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
Learning in Lockdown
Every week day at 9am we all came together via video chat, students, teacher aides and myself (Miss Te Paa). We would catch up and be happy to see each other and were very grateful none of us were sick. We would then go over the days learning together.
We all like talking to each other through the chat every morning before class started. By Kymani.
Every one was well behaved, Miss Te Paa only kicked a couple of students off the video chat.
The work was challenging but easy enough for us to complete at home, sometimes with our parents. By Sundown
It was fun learning online because it felt like we had a proper job and were working from home like the adults. By Jaydis
Blogging was cool because we could be creative before we took off to the bush to play. By Rhylyn.
I missed learning at school because my crazy, monkey twin brothers would always annoy me and it was hard to do my work. By Dee
I liked watching the different maths because the songs were cool and they helped me to remember. By Jacob.
I didn't like working on my chrome book because the letters were too hard to see, so I worked on our big computer a lot of the time. By Nepia.
I loved doing the maths work because it made my brain think. By James.
There would be several video calls throughout the day showing parents and students how to work their chrome books. This was awesome because it means in the future when chrome books go home, parents will know how to help their kids.
Students liked the paper learning packs as they were fun because they got to work on a whole lot of different subjects. Some were extra challenging.
All in all learning from home was super fun and flexible but challenging too because we were all on lockdown!!
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Lockdown in New Zealand
- We are at Level 3 after being in total lockdown for 5 weeks.
- One New Zealand Dollar equals 0.60 USD.
- Gas is 163.9 cents per litre.
- Gas is 193.9 In Kaitaia
- Schools have been closed since the end of March and are teaching
remotely online. School is available for the children of
workers that have to go back to work can attend school up to
year 10. Other students will continue to be home schooled.
- If you can work from home it is encouraged.
- Those that are over 70 or immune compromised need to stay and
home and not go to work (we have a government wage subsidy in place to help people out).
- Banks are only open 1 day a week.
- There are lines/tapes inside the stores on the floors to keep
people 2 metres apart. Stores are limiting the amount of
visitors and some have queues.
- Some restaurants are open only for takeout, home delivery & pick-
- Parks, beaches, hiking trails and walk-in places are accessible
to the public, but we are encouraged to stay local (within 2kms
of our homes).
- All major and minor sports competitions have been cancelled as
well as kids sports.
- All festivals, entertainment events have been banned/cancelled.
- Weddings, family celebrations and birthdays have been cancelled.
- Young kids can’t understand why they can only see grandparents &
other extended family and friends on a screen or thru a window
if someone visits in person or on Facetime online.
- Hugs and kisses are not allowed, only with those in your bubble.
- Churches are closed or online.
- We have to stay two meters away from those not in our bubble.
- People are wearing masks, some places even REQUIRE that you wear
them to enter! People are even sewing their own cloth masks for
sale or donation to medical facilities.
- Some antiseptic/cleaning products are short in supply.
- Flour, hand sanitiser, soap and sugar were hard to buy from
- Stores are closing early to stock shelves. Some 24 hour services
stations have been closing early because not many people have
been getting gas as most people are working from home.
- Store checkouts, pharmacies, doctors, service stations(night
window) and even fast food drive-thru windows have added
plexiglass between the employee and the customer. People have
to reach around or under to pay!
- New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada and Europe have closed their
borders. Government has made it mandatory that emergency
flights home have to self isolate for 14 days when returning.
- There are road blocks to stop you travelling in and out of the
district. (all around the country run by people who don't want
their communities, kaumatua and kuia to get sick).
- No one is travelling for leisure. Airports are empty. Tourism
has come to a stand still.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Dotterel Education Trip
Dotterel Education Trip
What we enjoyed the most was experiencing authentic learning outside of the classroom. Some things you just have to experience, not read about it in a text. The morning flew by really fast as we had so much fun learning about the dotterels, their nesting sites, swimming, playing games and getting prizes.
The thing we found most challenging was swimming in the river as we couldn’t see how deep some areas were, that made our teacher nervous. Luckily we had awesome parents to show us where we could and couldn’t swim.
What we might do differently next time is film the important korero about the dotterels and the area because we can use that information for our learning at school.